Representative quantitative opinion poll: Support of nuclear energy is increasing in Jaslovské Bohunice region.

The support of population living in the Jaslovské Bohunice region of nuclear energy is increasing gradually. This fact was measured and taken from a comparison of representative polls carried out by the MARKANT agency in 2008 and 2010. Up to 92% of adults in the region agree that Slovakia’s energy supply should be self-sufficient and that the Republic should not import electricity. It presents a 5% increase comparing to 2008. The most significant change of opinion was presented by populace of the Jaslovské Bohunice region referred to an increased support to commence construction of the new nuclear power plant in this site. 60% of population in impacted region agree with construction of the new nuclear power plant presenting an increase of 13% comparing with 2008 results.

In comparison with 2008, the share of people believing in the safety of nuclear energy also increased. Considering the respondents from the Jaslovské Bohunice region, this share increased from 43% to almost 50%. Taking into account the general Slovak population, this increase was slightly lower, from 35% to about 38%. The rate of Slovaks confident in fact that nuclear energy does not pollute environment remained the same. This opinion was presented by 54% of Slovaks in 2008 and 2010. This percentage is a little bit lower considering population in Jaslovské Bohunice region. In comparison with 2008, their support of this principle went down from 55% to 51%. It is interesting that a number of people living in vicinity of the nuclear power plant that are interested in the topic of nuclear energy topic is steadily increasing. In 2008 it presented 36%, this year the number of people in impacted region who are monitoring information in media regularly was increased by 9% to the present figure of 45%.

About 74% of population in the region agree with the premise that Slovakia should invest in electricity production to become an exporter taking into account its geographical location. Comparing with 2008, there has been a 2% increase in respondents agreeing with this premise. In the general Slovak populace the average rate is lower. However, more than 85% Slovak respondents consider energy self-sufficiency important and it presents 2% decrease against results of 2008. About 62% of poll respondents agree with the role of our country as an exporter of the electricity. In 2008, this number was lower by 3%.

The representative opinion poll carried out in April 2010 included questions that were not presented in the previous poll, therefore, it is not possible to monitor the opinion changes relating to them. In particular, there were opinions relating to the construction of the new nuclear power plant. Up to 84% of population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region believed that the construction of a power plant would secure a stable delivery of electricity. About 78% of the Slovak population have the same opinion on aim of the project.

Half of the respondents living in the Jaslovské Bohunice region agree that presence of nuclear power plant in the region would be beneficial for its inhabitants. Most frequently, such benefits are estimated as an employment increase (58%) and development of particular community (45%) where the nuclear power plant will be in operation.

Representative quantitative opinion poll of the MARKANT agency was carried out in April 2010 on a sample of 803 respondents from the overall Slovak population with an age range above 18 years old. 250 of the respondents were living directly in Jaslovské Bohunice region. The opinion poll was prepared for Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť Slovenska, a.s.

Selected results of comparison of the representative opinion polls carried out in 2008 and 2010:

Theme: Construction of new nuclear power plant in Jaslovské Bohunice site. Support to construction of NPP in Jaslovské Bohunice site:
2010: 62,4% of population of the Slovak Republic, 59,8% of population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region
2008: 49,3% of the population of the Slovak Republic, 47,1% of population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region

New nuclear power plant secures the supply of electricity. This opinion was shared by:
2010: 75,6% of the population of the Slovak Republic, 83,5% of population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region

New nuclear power plant secures energy self-sufficiency of Slovakia. This idea was supported by:
2010: 71,1% of population of the Slovak Republic, 79,1% of population in Jaslovské Bohunice region

Theme: Nuclear energy is safe towards the vicinity. This sentence is supported by:
2010: 37,9% of population of the Slovak Republic, 49,8% of population in Jaslovské Bohunice region
2008: 35% of population of the Slovak Republic, 43% of population in Jaslovské Bohunice region

Theme: Nuclear energy does not pollute the environment. This opinion is shared by:
2010: 54% of the population of the Slovak Republic, 51% of the population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region
2008: 54,2% of the population of the Slovak Republic, 55,2% of the population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region

Theme: Monitoring of information on nuclear power industry in media. This information is monitored in person by:
2010: 35% of the population of the Slovak Republic, 45% of population in Jaslovské Bohunice region
2008: 32,9% of population of the Slovak Republic, 35,7% of population in Jaslovské Bohunice region

Theme: Slovakia should invest in the production of electricity to become an exporter considering its geographical location. The same opinion is shared by:
2010: 61,6% of the population of the Slovak Republic, 73,5% of the population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region.
2008: 64,4% of the population of the Slovak Republic, 71,3% of the population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region.

Theme: The self-sufficiency of Slovakia. Slovakia should have generating capacities which cover needs of the country for electricity without necessity of export. This opinion is shared by:
2010: 85,5% of the population of the Slovak Republic and 92,4% of the population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region.
2008: 87,8% of the population of the Slovak Republic and 87,5% of the population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region

Theme: Being in close proximity to a nuclear power plant brings benefits to the populace of the adjoining region. This opinion was shared by:
2010: 51% of the population of the Slovak Republic and 49,7% of the population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region

2010: 39,8% of the population of the Slovak Republic and 36,3% of the population in the Jaslovské Bohunice region

Theme: The benefits resulting from being in close proximity to a nuclear power plant according to the population of the Jaslovské Bohunice region are as follows:
2010: Employment rate increase (58%), development of particular community where NPP is operated (45%), overall development of the region (37%), positive impact on the standard of living of region population (32%), positive impact on health care (27%), positive impact on social development (19%), positive impact on culture and leisure time activities (19%), enhancement of environment (17%)

Ing. Dobroslav Dobák, spokesperson, phone 0910 834 349

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